기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-22 17:26:06

▲ COVID 19`s prevention

After SARS and MERS, another dangerous pandemic has hit, South Korea. COVID-19, a major infectious disease, attacking us since January. Since then, all the access to public places and facilities has been restricted. In South Korea, schools, parks, gymnasiums, and other public places are closed due to Corona Virus. So, many people got tired and got impatient for about six months.

In South Korea, there have been more than 10,000 cumulative confirmed cases, and more than 10,000 people recovered completely. The number of confirmed cases dropped sharply in May. However, in the golden week, there was a massive infection in Itaewon. So, the number of confirmed cases has soared again in June. Overseas infected cases continue to increase, and the number of local infections also surged from May. In May, the number of confirmed patients decreased to less than ten per day, but since the 6th day of May, when it switched living prevention, it has been newly.

▲ Prime Minister of New Zealand

However, New Zealand and Taiwan are about to declare an end of the pandemic. The New Zealand government announced that there were zero confirmed cases in the country. No new cases have been confirmed for ten days, and the last infected person has recovered. New Zealand is planned to officially declare the end of the COVID-19 on the 15th day of last month. In the case of Taiwan, their action was praised by all people. As soon as the virus spread, foreigners were banned from entering the country. Also, they were very good at dealing with things like strengthening the policy on wearing a mask.

Kim Woo-joo, the professor of infectious diseases at Korea University Guro Hospital, implied that when the number of confirmed cases in South Korea decrease, the reins should have been tightening and started to harden, but they loosened it. So, the number of confirmed cases in South Korea has increased. However, he claimed that we are still not late, unlike the United States or some other countries in Europe, we should practice following the high strength rule again.

There are still lots of confirmed cases in South Korea nowadays. To end this at an early date we need to be thorough with the preventive protocols such as wearing masks, refraining from visiting public places and facilities, and washing hands well. Let us all work together to end the COVID-19.

By Yeram-jo


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