A Harmonious School Festival for All대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-22 17:23:36

I am in a higher grade at Ulsan Gangnam Middle School. I believe that all schools have their own festival. However, in my school, there is a singularity, and that is inviting students who have already graduated. Actually, I did not know why our school needs to still them every year, so I interviewed my friend, who is the student council president.

I asked my friend why our school holds a festival. My intention was to ask about the purpose of having a festival, and she answered that it is just for students' fun and interest. Then, I asked about the details. First, I asked why there should be progress in each class booth. She said it if to build a stronger friendship and to develop a fruitful discussion. Also, it is to learn and develop consideration for each other. Second, I asked why there should be a talent show with the students who have already graduated from those who are still studying. She said that it is to strengthen the senior-junior relationship. Because in South Korea, the relationship between seniors and juniors is important. Also, teachers said that if they do not know the students' talents, they cannot help and support them. However, they know, they can help and support them to develop their talents.

▲ Display Students` Works During the School Festival

The School festival is one of the biggest school events., so if a certain school wants the festival to be perfect, students have to spend a lot of money and time. To hold a huge festival, the school and the students have to prepare all the things perfectly. Our school festival can be divided into two parts. First is the class booth, and the second is the talent show. The process of preparing each class booth is not complicated. The first thing that the students do is to discuss their booth's concept and decide how to decorate it. Then, they receive a school supporting funds, and they buy the materials needed to decorate the classroom. After decorating, they have to allot a role and make some rules. on the other hand, a talent show is a bigger event than the class booth. So, students to do may things to make it perfect. Teachers receive participants and progress in preliminary math. Then, only successful candidates can participate in the final match. After these, all participants have to do a rehearsal every day and practice.

▲ Final Rehearsal Before Starting Talent Show

The student council president said that improve our school festival, many students have to participate in all events and make some suggestions. Also, she said that she will add some new content for students' fun and interest. However, not only the student council president but also all students have to try to participate in the festival positively.

By Seo hyeon Park


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