The Pros and Cons of Online Classes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:29:47

Nowadays, there are lots of ways to study. The online class is one of them, and there are two types of online classes. One is using videos, and the other one is using videos, and the other one is using group video call tools. Nowadays, students from South Korea who are studying online classes hardly study at school to avoid widespread person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 and the dangerous situation in going to school.

▲ This is a picture of teacher who teaches students via group call. From: Central Daily

By the quick widespread COVID-19, the Korean government decided that all of the students in South Korea do not go to school for a while, and they have to study in online classes. We started to go to school and to study online recently with the better condition of COVID-19 in South Korea than a few weeks ago. A few said that it was too late to make that decision, and they were worried about its disadvantages. However, there are some advantages. However, there are some advantages of online classes.

One of the students said that he likes to have online classes because does not have to go to school, and he does not have to get up early. Lastly, he can have lots of free time. However, there are lots of homework, and he has to write all the things that he has learned every day. Moreover, he cannot ask a question immediately to his teachers. He likes both ways, but he likes to go to school than to study online. According to him, studying at home has both pros and cons. Another student said that there are some advantages to studying at home. One of them is that he does not study more at home, and he can have some free time. Moreover, he does not have to go to school and does not need to wake up early. Lastly, it is safe to study online because of the intact service. Contact service is important in this situation because COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person widely and easily.

▲ This is a picture of student who studies online.

Whereas, some students do not focus on class and need to do many kinds of work. Moreover, there are some disadvantages, a teacher cannot see his students. On the other hand, some online tools are designed for the teacher who cannot see his students via video call.

In conclusion, students are still studying online because of COVID-19. According to the government's announcement, schools in South Korea are planning for an effective division of going to school and studying online, following certain guidelines. Going to school has disadvantages because it is not safe. By having regular online classes, students can study safely.

by Kim Tae Heon


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