How to Make an Entertaining Gym Class대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:26:23

Nowadays, gym class cannot be done well because of the coronavirus. The virus can be spread through coughing and touching, so the chances of getting coronavirus infection because of sweat in gym class are high. However, schools cannot stop gym class because it is important for students to strengthen their physical and mental health. So, some schools are using electronic equipment. Nintendo Wii is one of them.

▲ Controller on Nintendo `Snowchark`

Everyone has experienced playing games and moving their bodies without realizing it. One example is driving a car in a game. When the car in the game turns around the right corner, the player's body tilts to the right without realizing it, and when it turns to the left corner, the player's body tilts to the left, too. This phenomenon is more common in virtual reality games where characters in the game move just like the players.

▲ Acceleration Sensor on Nintendo

Wii is a new type of game wherein users enjoy with a controller that looks like a television remote in one hand and a controller called NunChark on the other hand. With these remote controls, you can enjoy various sports such as baseball, golf, bowling, and tennis without using sports equipment such as boxing gloves or tennis rackets. Users also feel a great sense of immersion because the characters in the game copy the same moves when you stretch your fists or swing your arms. In this way, students can exercise with great fun.

The use of the Wii can give us many advantages. First, it can protect students from coronavirus. It is safe for students and also relieves stress. Second, it is more enjoyable than a common gym class. Students can study through a game, so they can be entertained more easily. This situation gives students more advantages.

By Oh Seoung Hwan


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