The Greatest Female Soldier대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 00:11:40

    These days, there are no many female soldiers in South Korea. But, there is one woman who has lived his life very well. Have you heard about Pee Woo Jin? Most people do not know her well. So, I want to introduce her once.
     Pee Woo Jin was on her way to the lady who never pioneered like her life. She worked so hard that she could climb up to the same high chief as the cheif of staff. However, on October 2002, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and unfortunately, she had to undergo breast removal surgery. However, she did not need to incised them. The reason was that it would be interfere with helicopter control. After three years, she had a military life without any problem. However, in 2006, the Ministry of National Defense forced to arrest her when she had a cancer or had breast abstinence. Even if it is not enough to give a reward to a soldier who lived hard at sacrificing herself. At the end of her fight with the Ministry of Defense, she stood firmly to the age of retirement.
     Pee Woo Jin is a great woman soldier who breaks the wall of invisible discrimination and prejudice in our society. She always helped motive female soldiers who were treated unfairly by sex differences. So, I believe it would be good to try to pave the way for the dream we want to be proud of.

                                                                                                             2017. 5. 31
                                                                                                             By. Kim Minseo


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