How to Succeed as a Private Investor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:21:44

When you watch TV or surf the internet, you can see many articles and news about some people who are called a private investor. Private investors and stock, we usually associate unearned income about those things. However, the private investor never means a shortcut to success. To be a proper private investor, there are many requirements needed, but if you are all ready, you can be rich with this job. Then, let us learn how can we succeed as a private investor.

Before we start, we have to understand how investors earn money. Basically, they buy the stock when it is cheap and sell when it is expensive. In this process, many variables occur and these variables make investors to become rich or to become poor. To survive in this stock market, you should know how can you reduce your loss to a minimum.

In the bull market, everyone is happy. Most people can earn money easily. However, the bull market is short, instead of in a long winter, the bear market will come. In the bear market, many people suffer a great loss. Someone loses all his or her money, and someone quits as a private investor because of this season. If you want to be a real private investor, you have to overcome this season. Here are some solutions to overcome it. The first solution is not to invest if you can keep alive. This is the best way to pass this hard season. Second is finding another bull market. There are many markets in the world so you can just find other markets and keep being happy. However, in this case, finding the bull market may be pretty hard because all markets influence each other.

To be a successful private investor, you should also read many books. There are many useful books about investing on the internet. Please read those books and find your own investment style. I hope that you will succeed sincerely.

by Kim Lee Jun


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