The Most Important Person Now South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:20:12

Who do you think is the most important person in this pandemic in South Korea? This person is Jeong Eun-Kyeong, the Director of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She plays a big role in this current situation, and she is the one who makes almost all of the decisions about this disease.

Jeong Eun-Kyeong graduated from Seoul National University, and her career is the Director of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started on July 26th, 2017. She was the head of the KCDC's sub-center, and she previously worked as the head of KCDC's Center for Disease Prevention and Department of Chronic Disease Control Research. Now, she is one of the people who play a big role in preventing and solving the pandemic.

▲ Jeong Eun-Kyeong, the Director of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jeong Eun-yeong does many things to help people. First, she protects the citizens from getting infected with the disease by making new vaccines and doing other medical improvements. Second, she decreases the global burden caused by the pandemic. Lastly, she advances the technique and studies about health care to overcome the disease. In this situation, her work and achievements are important and very helpful. So, many people commended her. A citizen of South Korea said that because of her work, we can prevent the virus from spreading, and we can overcome COVID-19 someday.

▲ The prevent behavior that Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made.

Many people are afraid of COVID-19, and they are worried about it. However, Jeong Eun-kyeong lessened their worries by taking action to end the pandemic. For example, she made many decisions on how to help people. One of her decisions is that people can use air conditioners in schools, but they need to ventilate regularly. Also, one of the major works she had is that she asked the government for money to make diagnostic kits. South Korea is able to prevent COVID-19 from spreading fast through the use of diagnostic kits.

There are many other duties and achievements that Jeong Eun-kyeong did, and there will be more decisions that she will make. Many citizens will wait for their decision and rely on her. The COVID-19 outbreak is a serious pandemic around the world. In South Korea, because of Jeong Eun-Kyeong's work, we will someday overcome the COVID-19 outbreak.

By Jun Seo Lee


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