COVID-19 in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:18:14

▲ website where students have online class

Many countries in the world are facing COVID-19, the world's most serious pandemic. Many people died due to COVID-19, so many countries are trying to end this pandemic. Moreover, South Korea did much effort to end COVID-19.

In South Korea, there are 12, 373 accumulated confirmed cases, and the number of full recoveries stood at 10, 856. However, recently, the number of confirmed cases is increasing. According to Yonhap News, South Korea added 67 new positive cases on Saturday due to a fresh spike in imported cases. Including the imported cases, Seoul reported 14 new cases, raising the total caseload to 1, 202 with the surrounding Gyeonggi Province and Incheon logging 17 and 5. Also, the central city of Daejeon added five more cases, raising the total caseload to 73. The number of cases is gradually increasing. Here is the process of social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. First, you must stay at home for three to four days if you are sick. Second, maintain a distance of more than two meters. Third, you should wash your hands for 30 seconds and cough into your sleeve. Lastly, ventilate regularly.

As citizens follow the social distancing rules well, students can go to school. At school, students should bring their own bottles. If students share their water, they are at risk of infection. Next, students should wear a mask. They also have to bring extra masks. Third, they should sit apart at lunchtime. A school should give students a sitting number where students sit. Thus, schools do many things to prevent the spread of the virus.

▲ list of social distancing in company

Many people are hoping that COVID-19 will end as soon as possible. So, the people should follow social distancing rules such as maintaining a distance of two meters, wearing masks, and ventilating regularly. Not only ordinary citizens but also the government should follow the social distancing rules. Moreover, the government should put more effort into making a vaccine and advise the people to follow the social distancing rules.

By Do Ye Jun


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