The Relation of North Korea and South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 16:59:40

South Korea and North Korea were one ethnic group race, but because of the 6.25 war also known as the Korean War that happened 70 years ago, they were divided into two countries. However, now North Korea and South Korea have a good relationship with each other. This is because of the Inter-Korean summit in 2018.

The Panmunjom Declaration was made by the leaders of the two countries during the Inter-Korean summit in 2018 for them to actively cooperate in establishing a permanent and solid peace regime on the Korea two countries have agreed to completely end the 65-year-old Korean War and establish a peace regime with the declaration of the end of the war. At the Inter-Korean summit, the South and the North agreed to stop all military hostilities. There is a halt to all hostile acts, a peace zone in the Demilitarized Zone, a peace zone in the West Sea, exchange and cooperation, and activation of contact.

▲ The Panmunjom Declaration in 2018

However, the general staff department of the Korean People's Army presented four principles of action: redeployment of troops in the Kaesong Industrial Complex, relocation of troops in the Mount Geumgang Resort, re-establishment of DMZ guard posts, reinforcement of artillery work in the Southwest Sea Front, and enforcement of the distribution of propaganda leaflets to South Korea. This means that North Korea broke the Panmunjom Declaration and Comprehensive Military Agreement. In addition, North Korea blew up the Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office. There was a reason why North Korea was angry. Some people who have come from North Korea send a message to North that South Korea is much better than North. South Korea has a law that every person has freedom of speech, so we could not block it. The Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office costs about 1.13 billion, and it is an ad that North Korea tried to break the Panmunjom Declaration and Comprehensive Military Agreement.

▲ The Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office

South Korea and North Korea have a good relationship nowadays. In 2018, North Korea promised that they would stop developing missile and nuclear weapons. Furthermore, they have made the Panmunjom Declaration and Military Agreement. Many people believe that South and North Korea should cooperate, and North Korea should not break their promise again.

July 11th, 2020

By Woo-yeup Kim


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