South Korea‘s Traditional Pure Beauty대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 00:04:12

     A Ceramic Festival will be held in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province. This festival includes celadon, white porcelain, and other premium Korean ceramics. It will introduce one of South Korea's traditional beauties. These white porcelain artifacts come from the period of Joseon. Also, some of these were named as national treasure, and some photographers took wonderful pictures.


     The No. 309 and No. 310 national treasure are white porcelains. They are moon-shaped porcelains, jars, and are widely called Dal Hangari. In the Baekja Museum in Yanggu Country, they said making white porcelain like the Dal Hangari takes about five days. The white porcelains produced here were supplied to the royal families ofthe Joseon era for 500 years. This information came from the head of the Yanggu Musuem. In addition, he also said that owing to the oustanding quality of the materials, Bangsan has been the only village in the country that continued the production of white porcelain. The pure beauty of white porcelain represents not only the unique beauty of simplicity, but also abundance and generosity. The photographer, Gu Bon Chang, also emotionalized the white porcelain's  pure beauty in his photos. He said, "It is difficult to show Baekja's beauty of nothing."


     The white porcelain shows the traditional pure beauty of South Korea. In the Icheon Ceramics Festival, Korean ceramics will be pesented, paricularly the porcelains. Dal Hangari means the harmony of two difficult parts, we can easily find out the traditional pure beauty of white porcelain through various ways.

2017. 5. 31 By 권정빈


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