UCC Project of Yaksa Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 16:56:02

There is saying that goes, "Many a mickle makes a muckle." Like this, there are many works that have to be done with collaboration in modern society. Also, aboriginal people haunted animals with collaboration. People can make a better result when they cooperate in many jobs that need collaboration. Cooperation is always a very important thing. So, many schools have done a school project to strengthen the cooperative spirit of the students. In fact, in Yaksa Middle School, students have done a school project to develop teamwork by making UCC (User Created Contents) with their classmates.

To make UCC in Yaksa Middle School, each class receives a personality. Students have to make UICC about the personality which they received. Then, they have to write a script to be used in their UCC and think about what they will need for the UCC. Also, they have to choose what role they will do. After writing the script and choosing for the UCC, they have to record a video of the script that they wrote.

▲ The picture of the students

If they have recorded all the scenes they need, it is time to credit the videos they recorded. After doing all the works, the teacher will evaluate the UCC of each class.

The students of Yaksa Middle School can learn several things during the process of making a UCC. First, they can learn how much cooperation is important via the process of UCC. Students have to consider each other's opinions to accept many student's opinions, such as clothes for the actor in UCC and the story of UCC. In this process, lots of spirit of teamwork will be required. Also, they can learn the concept of each personality. They have to know what the personality they received exactly means. They can understand what personality means through making the UCC.

By making UCC with their classmates, the stunts of Yaksa Middle School can learn how much cooperation is important, and the meaning of each personality. Doing a school project is a good way to learn many things which are important in our society. Then, how about exerting much effort while doing the school project?

▲ The picture of recording

By Keum Mul Kyul


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