Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome Occurred in Ansan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-07 15:42:07

▲ Kindergarten in Ansan related to Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome

Kindergarten students in Ansan have been diagnosed with food poisoning, and most of them have a type of kidney failure known as Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome since June 16th.

▲ Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome

Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome is a rare disease that causes kidney failure in a short time. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome occurs when a person intakes raw meat, unpasteurized milk, and contaminated vegetables. the symptoms of HUS are diarrhea, vomiting, bloody stools, and stomach cramps. Mortality of HUS is about five to ten percent for each person, and also, children under five and older people are vulnerable to HUS.

On June 16th, the first HUS patient was diagnosed, and then the number of patients related to kindergarten in Ansan increased rapidly. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention progressed E. coli test for 295 of the suspected. Forty-nine of the suspected were diagnosed to be positive in E. coli test, and 147 of the suspected were diagnosed to be negative. Ninety-nine of the suspected were still waiting for the results. There were a total number of 15 children with HUS symptoms, and 4 of them were hospitalized in nine hospitals, and getting dispersion therapy.

According to a family with HUS patient, the kindergarten intentionally concealed the evidence, The family appealed that the kindergarten made their lives hell, as their child showed hematuria and blood stool because it was impossible for him to discharge urine. According to the family, the kindergarten just said they were progressing an epidemiological survey, not the cause of food poisoning. Also, the kindergarten ignored the family's requirements for suspension of attendance and report of content.

▲ The Ministry of Education expressed their regrets on June 26th.

The Ministry of Education apologized for the occurrence of food poisoning in Ansan kindergarten on June 26th. They expressed their regrets for the occurrence of food poisoning in an unstable situation. Also, they promised to strengthen its management system. However, there are criticisms about the late actions of the Ministry of Education in an emergency.

July 5th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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