Ulsan Whale Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-07 15:35:53

If you have been in Ulsan, you might have heard of the whale festival there. This festival is held in April, however, because of the COVID-19, it is being moved to September. It is held in Ulsan, Jangsaeng- po, and people from Ulsan have been celebrating it for 25 years this year. It will be the 25th festival in 2020. Ulsan Whale Festival has various activities for people to enjoy, so annually, many people join in this festival.

▲ Ulsan Whale Festival in 2019

Ulsan Whale Festival was first celebrated in 1995, so people from Ulsan will celebrate its 25th anniversary this year. It is organized by Ulsan Whale Festival, but it was changed to Ulsan Whale Festival in 2000. As Jangsaeng-po had been the basement of whale catcher until 1986, the whale festival has been held in Jangsaeng-po-gu. A whale often appears in the past, however, it does not appear in Ulsan these days because of the pollution. To add, Ulsan Whale Festival was being nominated as a culture tourism promising festival from 2011 to 2014, but in 2019, it was nominated newly as culture tourism upbringing festival.

Ulsan Whale Festival has two differences from other festivals. First, on that day, it runs the festival bus to various places in Ulsan. Because of the buses, people can go and enjoy the whale festival easily even those who do not have a car yet. Second, has very good facilities that are in good service. These facilities are Whale Culture Village and Whale Ecology Experience Hall. There are many activities that are being held in these facilities during the festival. For example, there is a parade in the outdoor square.

Ulsan Whale Festival is a reproduction of traditional culture related to whales. It is prepared like a culture and art program. Form this festival, Ulsan can be famous widely. Besides, 400,000 people join in this event per year. Especially, schools and other organizations usually celebrate the Ulsan Whale Festival, so this festival would be the best way to make Ulsan famous widely.

Regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity, anyone can enjoy the Whale festival. If you have time, come and enjoy the Ulsan Whale Festival where you can do many experiences about whales.

by Kim Yuchae


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