The Way Hyundai and Kia Make a Long AER대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:36:57

Do you know what is the most important factor to choose an EV? According to EV trend Korea, the AER (All-Electric Range) is the most important factor in choosing an EV. Then, how can we make a long AER which gives us convenience?

Hyundai and Kia used hit pump technology, combined power train, and chose a water-cooled method to make the long AER besides the increased density of output.

▲ the principle of hit pump system
▲ hit pump system

First, about the power train. Before Hyundai and Kia combined the main component, they must put a table between the motor and the EPCU (Electric Power Control Unit), and a hose between the motor and the OBC (On-Board Charger). However, they can make a longer AER by changing them into new versions which have an increased density of output of EPCU, OBC, and motor by combining them without the table and the hose. Second, they used an air-cooled method to lower the temperature of the battery. After they changed the water-cooled method, they do not need to consider the former method. That is because the water-cooled method does not need a hollow space for air to go through, so they increased the density of arrangement by the use of a battery with an increased density of energy. Thrid, until they found the hit pump technology, they used an electric heater to make warm air. The heat pump is the method which uses waste heat by turning into condensing refrigerant. This makes an EV with this AER drives longer at a low temperature by heating the battery which makes it works in an ideal condition.

▲ the difference between hit pump and non-hit pump

Elon Musk referred to the hit pump technology, which was used to Model Y, said that it is the Best. Today, Tesla keeps the most powerful company in EV development. Other companies also make their own hallmark like Hyundai and Kia, and they used hit pump technology which makes only 10 percent energy loss when driving at a low temperature.

June 28th, 2020

by Gyeong Min, Kwak


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