How Dormitory School Acts to Covid-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:27:09

As Covid-19 became prevalent, students were banned from going out to the school in various countries to prevent infection and prevalence. South Korea was no exception, and the nation was able to start offline school on June 3, three months later than the originally set date. Some schools stop going to school as they found confirmed cases and start online classes again as soon as they start school, while others still conduct school classes. Then, how about boarding schools?  

Hyundai Cheongwoon Highschool is an autonomous private school and all-round boarding school in Ulsan, where students come in from all over the country. At this High School, all students must live in the dormitory unless they are kicked out of the dormitory because they receive a lot of penalty points. But dormitory life is quite dangerous as people from all around South Korea live together. As everyone knows, a highly contagious virus-like Covid-19 is very dangerous because it is highly likely that the cohabitants of the infected will be infected. Also, there are lots of teams works in this school so students have to stick close to deal with their assignment. Therefore, these kinds of schools are much more dangerous when there is a student who has a virus.

▲ Ministy of Education`s Covid-19 Prevention Notice

So how is the actual quarantine being carried out in schools? Students are only allowed to live in dormitories and are prohibited from going out. And in the cafeteria, students were allowed to sit in a zigzag shape to keep them at a distance. And as they get out and come into the dormitory, they need to check their fever and check their condition every morning. Classroom seats were all arranged at a distance, and some facilities, such as libraries, were also restricted from use. The use of air conditioners was allowed as the weather got hotter, but masks are still required to be worn except when eating school meals. However, students are not following all these rules. They often forget to check their condition and stick close when they eat school meals.

▲ School cafeteria

▲ School classroom

We still do not know when will this virus stop. But we know that we need everyone's cooperation to stop this virus to be more prevalent. Therefore, the school needs to make sure that the school's rules are good enough to prevent the infection and students need to follow the school's rules and make the distance between themselves.

June 28th, 2020

by Lee Yeonseo


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