The New College Admission System; Proficiency Level Test대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:19:48

In South Korea, there are two representative ways of the college admission system. One is the SAT, and the other one is academic reports. While it is common to use academic reports in college admissions screening in South Korea, there are serious problems with it: not only is the method of writing academic reports is subjective, but also, the level gap by region or school which is considered as the biggest problem. In addition, there are constant irregularities and problems in the method of using academic reports for college admissions, such as the preference given to parents by their financial power, work, and relationship.

▲ ⓒ Yonhap News agency, illicit admission caused by academic report system

This problem shows that we need a major reorganization in the way of education and the way of entering college. Therefore, a proficiency level test should be proposed. Proficiency level test is a new method of university entrance examination by using a proficiency level test, and it has the advantage that it can overcome the problem that checking academic reports is subjective.

▲ Most representative proficiency level test in Korea; an examination for a Korean History license

First of all, the proficiency level test is very objective. The existing proficiency level tests are conducted by the nation or reliable organizations. If the nation starts to examine students by proficiency level test, every college interviewer will not rely on the students' grades whether it is trustworthy or not. And they do not need any steps to verify the students' grades. Also, the Proficiency level test can give the students the opportunity to retry or retake if ever they failed in the first test. Proficiency level test is unusually given periodically, and this makes more opportunities for students to retry if they failed in the previous test.

▲ ⓒ Mydaily, A student killed himself depressed about his SAT record

South Korean education system, especially the academic report system, is very outdated and unreasonable. Therefore, it is believed that people can anticipate fairness and be free from academic burden by using a proficiency level test.

June 28th, 2020.

By Lee Hyun-seo


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