Vitamin C and Antibiotic Combination that Can Kill Cancer Cells대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:10:43

The interest in anticancer drugs is increasing. According to the World Health Organization, researchers have shown that a combination of antibiotics and vitamin C can destroy cancer stem cells before they promote their growth. The combination avoids cancer cells to alter, and it will be useful for clinical trials in the future.

▲ Cancer is a long-term trouble for human beings.

First of all, how can combo of the combination of antibiotics and vitamin C kill cancer cells? The study was conducted by Michael Lisanti, a professor at the University of Salford. The combination which the researchers used lets cancer cells stop altering their features, and the cells could not use any bio-fuel, leading to their disability. Michael Lisanti said that their study has helped their team understand how some cancer cells remain unaffected by chemotherapy and how they become resistant to some drugs. He then added that the combination interrupts the cancer cells' activities.

▲ The combination might be the solution for cancer in future.

▲ The combination of antibiotics and vitamin C is more effective than any other treatments.

Then, how can the combination of antibiotics and vitamin C be used in the future? Through the research, they found out that the combination is ten times more effective than any other treatment. According to the World Health Organization, Professor Lisanti believes that the results of his team's work prove a quite effective way for clinical trials of the antibiotics and vitamin C combination. That means it can be used for clinical treatments enough, and it will be so helpful and meaningful treatments for our secondary growths. It will also be a progression in the medical world.

In conclusion, the combination of antibiotics and vitamin C can destroy cancer cells by avoiding the cells to alter their own characters. It will be used for our future meaningfully. Combating with cancer had been a long venture for human beings, and this discovered combination might be the solution.

June 27th, 2020

by Seo-yeon Cho


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