Japanese Military Sexual Slavery대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-30 15:22:32

Recently, a video that includes humble women was made public. There is a parturient woman in the video, who is a victim of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. She is Park Young-Shim. Because of this video, Japanese Military Sexual Slavery which is also known as "Comfort Women", has been re-examined.

▲ The picture showing pregnant Park Young-sim at the time

Japanese Military Sexual Slavery is about women who were placed in the comfort facilities by the Japanese government and military. The women were used by the Japanese army for their sexual desire, sexual disease prevention, and maintenance of public order. The ways to mobilize were different in terms of time, nationality, and place, and there were also various ways to get women such as employee fraud, kidnap, and threat. The women were treated and infringed as sexual playthings violently until Japan's defeat of the war. However, they were even slaughtered or forced to kill themselves in the defines of the period. Also, most survivors could not get back to their hometown because they had miserableness and shame of themselves, and they did not know how to return to their hometown.

▲ The picture of Japanese military sexual slavery

Nowadays, only 17 victims are left in the Republic of Korea. Some of them are trying to inform the public about what happened and are calling for a sincere apology from Japan. In 1981, Kim Hak-sun, who was a victim of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, first testified about the reality of it. Starting from her testimony, some of the victims have plucked up their courage and started to go out into the world. Her testimony not only contributed to regaining the impaired reputation of the victims but also made them eyewitnesses to history.

To sum up, the women who suffered from Japanese Military Sexual Slavery were the victims of the horrendous war and the fact of it must be known to the general public.

▲ Victims of Japanese military sexual slavery

Jun. 27th, 2020

By Son Chae Yun


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