Korean Baseball League Resumed Despite the Covid-19 Outbreak.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-30 15:20:46

Baseball, deeply embedded in Korean spirits, for many Koreans, has served as a means of bonding with their family, friends, and even strangers. However, as the Covid-19 outbreak brought many changes in Korean social life, Korean baseball was also the subject of this change⁠— perhaps a hurricane.

As the Corona 19 virus spread nationwide in May and April, Korean social life gradually closed so as Korean baseball. For the first time in professional Korean baseball history, the exhibition game was canceled. The Korean Baseball Organization(KBO) eventually postponed the 2020 season indefinitely.

Good news to be heard for many Korean baseball fans, the KBO announced to reopen the 2020 season on May 4th as Covid-19 spread in Korea seemed to wilt. However, there were several restrictions also implemented that included less staff, compulsory mask-wearing, and most importantly games without spectators.

▲ Players are preparing for their practice game for the first time in months after the outbreak (Yonhap News)

While the cheering culture was a huge thing in Korean baseball cultures,⁠—individuals become a whole under their team, and fight and cheer for their team⁠— sadly we can’t see this unique experience anymore. But games are still fun to watch, and the Korean Baseball League is the only professional live baseball that fans can get accessed to now.

Though many Korean fans greatly hope for games that they can actually engage in, it is rather necessary to prevent any gratuitous Covid-19 spreads. Also, many people are still willing to watch Baseball games at home as the threat of Covid-19 lurks underneath yet.

▲ The game is held without any spectators. (YonHap News)

Despite Covid-19 difficulty, the KBO plans to maintain a regular-season schedule, and though there isn't Korean cheering culture to be seen, the 2020 season has become more exciting than ever before.


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