The Special Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-30 15:15:15

Do you have an impressive project for your school? Some students find English-related projects more impressive than science-related projects. However, the project that our school made is related to history. Speaking of school projects, students cannot get their creativity right because it has to be in a fairly consistent form. What happens if a student chooses how to present? Here are some school projects that feature each student’s creative presentation formats.

Given the word history, many people would think of different images. The image of each era is different. In order to best show this history's diversity, the school has created a project in which students can freely define the format and time of day, and introduce their history to their friends. Many teams made

▲ The image of auction house

announcements to friends in the form of role-plays and puppet shows. Among them, there was a student who presented in a new presentation format. The theme selected by this student was to introduce relics from the Japanese colonial era of Korea. In order to effectively convey these themes, students announced an auction and partnered. It is a method to create the Joe so that students who listen to the announcement can participate and to operate the museum with that group, using the fake money they had and brought the most liked things. The presenting student did a project that, like an actual auction, would meet the purpose of the presentation, an explanation of its relics, and a knowledge transfer. Upon hearing this presentation, the students were fresh and satisfied with the presentation format that they could attend. The teachers, who planned and saw the presentation, said it was a very creative presentation format. Rather than simply bringing many relics, they auctioned according to the museum concept set by each group. I was also told to show that I was unsatisfied that it was more meaningful than buying a product.

If you give students autonomy rather than being bound by the framework of your presentation, you will be able to achieve more creative project results. Rather than focusing on creating PPT as a project and

▲ Creativity
communicating information, which was announced at each school, students should focus on what type of presentation they most effectively communicate and listen to their theme. You must be able to consider whether to do it. In the future, I believe that many schools should carry out presentation projects that give students autonomy for their creativity.


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