How The Coronavirus Impacted Job Recruitments대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-30 15:12:18

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to threaten normal management of Korean enterprises due to concerns over the infection, but this year, companies have begun hiring in the first half of the year to secure future talent. However, as companies are expanding their non-contact hiring methods to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infections, job seekers should have prepared for online interviews as well as online writing. Major job portal experts and personnel managers at major companies stressed that "the answer is a key factor in an online interview where the impression and attitude are not much more apparent than face-to-face interviews." Samsung Group is going to hold a written test for public recruitment on the 30th and 31st in May for the first time ever online.

It is the first time in history that a written test for a large company is held at home on a PC, so not only applicants but also job seekers are interested in it. Samsung will take the test four times over the weekend. Test questions are set differently on all four occasions. Considering the characteristics of online tests that are not easy to maintain concentration, only areas of repair are evaluated. Ahead of the online written test, Samsung delivered a smartphone holder, problem-solving paper, a cover for personal information protection, and a kit for test-takers with instructions on precautions. Candidates should place their smartphone cradle on the side of their face and upper body, and at the rear of their left so that both hands and PC screens can be seen before the test begins. Through the smartphone, one Samsung supervisor will monitor the movements of the nine applicants online in real-time. Nine people often look elsewhere for cheating because they take tests at almost the same angle. Samsung explains that it is highly likely that it will be caught on the screen immediately if it behaves in a suspicious manner. After the test, they will reconfirm the process of solving the questions of applicants with a recorded version and conduct an online GSAT-related form test during the interview. If you get caught cheating, you will be disqualified from applying for Samsung's recruitment exam for five years. Passing the GSAT gate is an interview procedure. Major affiliates including Samsung Electronics are considering conducting online interviews. In particular, the announcement of successful applicants and interview schedules may take longer than usual as the company plans to conduct post-verification procedures for online GSAT frauds and problems. In other words, the preparation period for job applicants will be longer.

Except for Hyundai Mobis, which introduced hybrid recruitment, which combines regular public recruitment in the first and second half of this year and occasional recruitment by business units, Hyundai Motor Group is only conducting regular recruitment instead of regular public recruitment. While public regular recruitment employs job candidates who just graduated from undergraduate school, regular recruitment hires workers from time to time in line with the characteristics of each business division. Regular recruitment requires conducting a personal aptitude test (HMAT) online after document screening and interviewing. Key affiliates such as Hyundai and Kia Motors are conducting online interviews. Hyundai Motor Group's regular recruitment method is to select a small number of employees suitable for each job and job required by each business. In addition to the job suitability of applicants, Hyundai Motor Group considers the reliability and consistency of applicants' answers to be important. "It seems that we received positive reviews for emphasizing in interviews that we are talented in foreign languages and are suitable for 'global-oriented' values based on our overseas experiences." said a Hyundai employee who was in his early 30s.

The Civil service examination was no exception. Its appointment was also impacted by a new pandemic and was able to signify new changes in terms of the testing environment.

This year's first Gangwon Province civil service examination was held in Chuncheon and six other cities and counties in the province on the 13th amid the Covid-19 crisis at six regions and 29 test sites in the province. The province plans to hire 1,363 people, with a total of 10,604 applicants. According to Gangwon Province on the 12th, the recruitment test will start at 10 a.m. on the same day and run for 100 minutes at 29 test sites in six regions including Chuncheon and Wonju. The average competition rate was 7.78 to 1. The province plans to hire 1,363 people from 33 different professions. The test subjects will be three compulsory subjects and two optional subjects for administrative jobs and five compulsory subjects for technical jobs. In the case of administrative jobs, each subject consists of 20 questions for one type of four questions, 60 questions for three subjects, and 100 questions for five subjects for technical jobs. The provincial government has started to strengthen quarantine by disinfecting the test site before and after the examination and making it mandatory for applicants to wear masks in the test site. About 20 people were admitted to each test site while tests will be conducted at schools in each region. All visitors to the test site must disinfect their hands and undergo a heat test, and wear a mask. Covid-19 cases, such as a high fever or cough, will be tested in a separate space after the questionnaire is filled out.

Job experts predict that the number of non-contact hiring will increase further in the future. Experts also suggested a few tips on preparing non-contact job appointments. As online personality assessments and interviews tend to lose concentration, it is also important to create an indoor environment where you can stay for two to three hours alone. For online interviews, it is better to use a neat or tidy background and set the right angle for the interview. Applicants also need to practice looking at cameras and answering questions to appeal that they are communicating with interviewers.


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