Eleven Days After Opening of Schools대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-11 17:23:27

When the COVID-19 situation in South Korea was getting better, the government decided to reopen the school gradually by grade. On May 20th, high school seniors went to school. High school juniors, middle school seniors, primary school first and second graders, and kindergarten students went to school on May 27th. High school freshmen, middle school juniors, and primary school third and fourth graders are planned to go to school on Jun 3rd, and the rest will go on June 8th.

▲ Schools` opening schedule

The day when high school seniors went to school, there were some students with symptoms. Schools with the students with symptoms were closed, and people who related to the schools went to self-isolation. At the second reopening, May 27th, 2,730 thousand students attended the opening day, 561 schools delayed their opening.

▲ A school with a case is closed

The school district in Yeouido, Seoul, is in chaos. There are 3,000 people tested whether they are infected or not. They are academy lecturers, who infect their family, the families' business partner, the partner's family, two students, and more. A lot of people went to the building with the academy since the building does not have only an academy, it has a study cafe, other academies, and other facilities. Walking-Through Clinic is also located.

▲ People are waiting to visit Yeouido Walking-Through Clinic

A lot of students are not going to school yet. The third opening is coming. The cases are growing after the opening, so after the complete opening, there can be another chaos in South Korea. Students criticize the rule they should follow. Of course, some rules are not really understandable. However, to prevent further infection, the uncomfortable rules should be followed. I hope to see the class with no mask as soon as possible.

June 7th, 2020

by An So-mi


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