A Special Festival in a Korean High School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-01 11:55:35

What kind of activities does your school do in relation to the history of your country? At some elementary and junior high schools in South Korea, you will have the opportunity to directly experience traditional Korean food etiquette, tea culture, and clothing culture. In high school, many schools show their

▲ traditional Korea clothes

experiences through history-related practices and competitions. However, in Hopyeong High School, students who create a subject festival experience the activities that they lead and experience, and they learn about Korean history and culture.

The main feature of the subject festival is that students directly envision the experiences of subjects that they are interested in. Among them, the booths of historical festivals that show the charm of South Korea the most are popular. The history of South Korea is divided into prehistoric, Goryeo, Jeosun, Japanese colonial times, and the Republic of South Korea. For prehistoric parts, people throw stones to defeat animal-shaped dolls, remember in South Korea since I wrote it in the Goryeo era. There was such a thing. Students who have experienced this activity feel interested when they put a textbook in it for the first time in a long time and feel the denial of Korean knowledge and history. Other subjects also filled the subject festival with various activities. I was able to get a great reaction from the students when I did activities in the textbook-centered theory class. Of course, there were problems such as lack of time for students to experience booths in all subjects, but next year, we plan to address these problems.

▲ Hopyeong High School

We believe that students can have a positive effect on the subject festivals that they directly visualize in more schools. In particular, the experience of experiencing the new culture of your country is very valuable. It is also a good idea to dress up the unique activities of Hopyeong High School with such value and put on the color of your own school to create a new kind of subject festival.

May 26, 2020, By Park Hyoin


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