The History Of Baseball대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:25:53

▲ This is Korea baseball logo. Meaning is Korea Baseball Organization.-naver
These days, Korea Baseball is popular. Every year, 800 million spectators watch baseball games.

Now, several countries have run baseball league such as the USA, Japan, Cuba, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy,

Canada, Australia, and more. A simple baseball rule is that one catcher and nine hitters become one team.

Two teams play a game-changing offense and defense in turn. A hitter hits a ball, runs to 1,2,3 bases reaches home base, and gets one score. When nine innings end, the team with the higher score wins the game.

The history of baseball started in the 13th century in England. Cricket became rounders, and rounders were developed to baseball. The first official game was between

New York and Knickerbockers organized a baseball team which set similar rules today.

▲ They are first Korea baseball team. - naver(kbs news)
Baseball was introduced n 1905 in South Korea, and KBO League was founded in 1982. In that year, the first game was held with MBC Blue Dragon and Samsung Lions. MBC Blue Dragon won the game with a home run in the second half of the tenth inning. Korea Baseball national team won gold medals in 1982, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2010, 2014 and 2018. Nowadays, many players go to the major leagues. There have been 21 players in total from South Korea. Famous baseball players are Hyun-jin Ryu, Shin-soo Choo, Byung-hyun Kim, Chan Ho Park, and others.

▲ They won a gold medal from world game. -naver

Rising jobs related to baseball are baseball referee, baseball program host, and baseball commentator. Referees are responsible for enforcing decisions on judgment calls. Program hosts deliver baseball game news to fans and show the highlight of the game. Commentators give a running commentary of a baseball game or event in real-time. How about dreaming of a job I recommended if you do not have a dream job?

By Raehyun Kim


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