Teen‘s make up대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 22:45:43

Nowadays, increasing number of teenagers are doing make up. Teenagers desire to look more pretty and they are concerned about other people. So they are putting make up on their face. People agree and disagree with this problem. Make up is one of a way to make us more pretty. With the make up, people can totally change their image. For example, they look like innocence or sexy. Make up was started in spite of development, many male stars showed their pros and cover their cons. So many normal people make up. Because of came for people. This make up is going on to teenagers. teenagers make up to avoid their mom's nitpicking.

First, teenager's admission position is teenager in their teens are introduce cosmetics in media or TV programs. And many students produce cosmetics on target, in low cost brand.

Second, teenager's contrary position is sensitive in hormone student's skin can damage student's health. Because, cosmetic is not good. And, for pastel cosmetics put on from early childhood. Then, student's skin is change and easy get pimples.

Third, of the teen's make up solution method is choose made of the safe ingredient's cosmetic, tell correct washing method and how to put on make ups for students. Hygienically clean brush or sponge.



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