BTS Is the Most Popular K-pop Boy Group in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 14:55:55

On February 21, 2020, the most popular K-pop boy group, BTS, had a comeback concert. They had a comeback stage with their fourth full-length album, "MAP OF THE SOUL:7". A lot of their fans are pleased with their comeback. BTS is truly the most famous K-pop boy group in the world. Many journalists said that one of the reasons for their popularity is their big fandom.

▲ A cover photo of this comeback album

BTS is the most famous group that anyone cannot ignore, but they also had hardship when they were in "The Rookie". For example, they had an interview with the reporter Yoon Sung-yul of Star News, and they said that they wanted to be part of a boy group, Big Bang. After this interview, they were criticized by many people. Some of them wrote comments that the name of BTS is very cringy. It is because BTS means the bulletproof boys.

Many members of the ARMY say that the reason why they love BTS is because of animated communication. Since they make their debut, they always share their backstage pictures, videos, and thank-you messages with their fans. Also, ARMY says that they can sympathize with the lyrics of BTS songs.

BTS received a lot of awards. For instance, they won the Billboard Music Awards, The American Music Award, the Japanese Golden Disc, and many more. They received a lot, so I could not write all the prizes. The American business magazine, Forbes, stated that BTS is thankful to the support of their dedicated fans who are increasing their influence on social media, the U.S. music chart has been ranked historic. BTS represents the growing cross-section of globalization in the American music industry. The Chainsmokers, a famous United States disk jockey, introduced BTS to a team lacking in the word as an 'International Superstar'.

By Jae-bin Bae


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