A Reading Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 15:13:11

A lot of people do not know why they should read books. However, reading is important in our life. It can be done anywhere and anytime. The more knowledge we have, the more chances we can use our knowledge. Thus, lots of schools decide to start a reading project. In fact, in Ulsan, Ukok Middle School carried out this reading project. Through that, students get to know how they should read books and also know the reason why they should read books.

In the reading project, the whole school has some activities that are related to reading. participating in the project, students read books and write one of their notes. A class chooses one book and discusses it. Then, students report about the contents of their chosen book in school through broadcasting. while one group talks about their book's content, the other groups listen. when the report of one group is finished, the other groups evaluate their report.

▲ Nogok Elementary School 1-6-1000 Reading Project

Students participating in this reading project can read books and also share what they feel and their opinions with each other. In an interview with Lee Jeongu, a participant in this project, he said that this project is very troublesome. He added that writing and reading are not exciting, but he also said that it is a good experience that he has never done before, and it is a little enjoyable. It helps students like him grow their teamwork and get a lot of knowledge that they do not know. Also, in an interview with Ukok Middle School's teacher, the teacher said that is is a good chance to increase students reading ability and grow their reading habits. so, I will continue to hold this project for their students.

▲ Mokwon University Reading Project

Ukok Middle School's intention to improve the student's reading ability is successful. It has changed students' reading habits and has improved their teamwork. Unexpectedly, teachers and almost all students want to continue this project.

Ukok Middle School is the first school that is practicing this reading project in Ulsan. This project is made to increase students' reading ability and more schools have started doing the same. Schools plan to practice more activities so that they will get a good appraisal in the future.

By Jaemin Kim


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