A Job That Captures Our Lives대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 15:09:51

These days, people are exhausted from stress and fatigue by various things like work or studies. People need something that can relieve stress and fatigue, and it is a picture. People get a good feeling of stability and warmth from the picture. When people see nice and beautiful pictures, they can feel happy without realizing it. Looking at the pictures of memories, I can recall and remember the past. People get a lot of good influence from pictures. So, who are the people who take pictures? Anyone can take pictures, but there are people who take them professionally and they are photographers. They take pictures that live up a weary daily life.

▲ The woman is taking a picture. (Google source)

Photographers are people who are engaged in photography, as previously said and work in studios, newspapers, film companies and advertising companies. The annual salary is 30 million won, and the necessary skills are typically spatial visual acuity, creativity, and introspection. Related departments include photography, visual arts, and art, while universities prefer Chung-Ang University or Seoul National University of Arts. Also, the field of occupation is art, design, and broadcasting. Similar occupations include impression photographer, advertisement photographer, pure photographer, press photographer, and ecological photographer. Photographers have less remuneration, and the level of regular employment and retention of employment is low. Besides, the possibility of promotion and job movement is also low, but the working environment is pleasant, and the physical stress is not severe. Professionalism is also very high.

Photographers should take good pictures that give us a good feeling. So, what is a good picture? 

I interviewed Ahn Jung-hee, a famous Korean photographer, and asked her what a good picture is. She said that a good picture that means to her is when she started to look good. She thinks that a good picture is the one that moves her heart as soon as she looks at it, and this is the standard of art. If she is not touched by looking at the picture no matter how good others say it is, that picture will be meaningless to her. 

Nonetheless, she did not know before, but now, she is sure there is some pulse and some heart-fluttering pictures and music. She thinks she can read pictures as deeply as she has experienced the world and as desperately craving for certain emotions. A good picture depends on the public's desire to see it in it rather than on the work itself.

Taking good pictures can never be easy. However, photographers try to take better pictures. If you are thinking about becoming a photographer or if you want to take good pictures, you should become a professional photographer.

▲ The photographer is holding his own camera. (google source)

By Yun Hye-jeoung


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