South Korea Announced to Lift Social Distancing대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 14:54:10

On April 30th, there was no new national COVID-19 case. Seventy-two days had passed after the first case. Also, the two weeks incubation period has passed after the general election, and there was no case added after the election. Additionally, large infection cases are decreasing. Therefore, South Korea decided to start an everyday life quarantine scheme from May 6th.

▲ A Poster of Everyday Life Quarantine Scheme

The social distancing campaign was started on March 22nd. The other word of social distancing is physical distancing. During the social distancing period, big religious facilities, indoor sports facilities, entertainment placed and other specific types of facilities' operation was limited. Schools also indefinitely delayed their opening.

▲ Everyday Life Quarantine Scheme Guidelines

However, on May 3rd, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun announced that South Korea will loosen its social distancing campaign as the COVID-19 outbreak has slowed. Also, he said that gatherings and events will be allowed under the condition that they follow disinfection measures. Under the loosened guideline, the country will gradually reopen schools and other public facilities. According to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Cultural Heritage Administration, from May 6th, an individual can watch public indoor watching facilities, and they will be checked whether they are wearing a mask or not and having a fever or not. Also, the number of watchers will be limited, and the facilities will be operated under the detailed instruction of the prevention of epidemics and safety measures.

▲ Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun

Announcing a change in social distancing, the Prime Minister said that this change does not mean that there is no risk for people to be infected at all, or people will be able to live daily life with an easy mind. Furthermore, he said that as of now, if the public cooperates and joins in the campaign, as K-Disinfection has become a good model, South Korea can make an example that gets global attention in everyday life quarantine scheme.

May 3rd, 2020

By An So-mi


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