The Double-edged Sword of COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 14:39:11

Today, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, people around the world should not go outside without wearing a mask, and they must do social distancing when they meet other people and use facilities. Also, students should not go to school, so they continue their class by using the Internet at home. Like these situations, people are under restrictions, in doing outdoor activities. However, COVID-19 has a good effect on the environment. It is because tourists and residents' movement decreased, so water pollution and air pollution also lessened. Also, the Earth started to recover.

▲ the picture of COVID-19

In Venice, Italy, there were many tourists that ride the gondola, so water pollution is a serious problem in Italy. However, because of the COVID-19, breakout tourists around the world were banned in visiting the place, so pollution drastically decreased, and Venice's state of water become more transparent than the past. Also, creatures such as fishes, and jellyfishes start to appear. In California beaches, the aurora is likely to appear. It is plankton's emitting light. This phenomenon also happens because of the improvement of water and plankton's active movement.

▲ the picture of improvement of Venice`s water

Every spring, some countries near China suffered from air pollution because of fine dust. This phenomenon happened because Chinese factories usually located in Wuhan. However, when the COVID-19, breakout started. Wuhan stopped almost all the factories. As a result, India's air became better than in the past. Its AQI showed the good state of their environment that Indians could not believe. Also, South Korea, one of the countries which suffered from fine dust, has better air condition than in the past.

▲ the picture of comparing air condition between January and Februrary

COVID-19 started in January in Wuhan, China: However, researchers around the world are having a hard time finding antigen. That is why this situation has continued, and the virus was spread almost all of the countries in the world. So, people could not work and study as in the past. However, because of this virus, the Earth is recovering from all pollution. People have been brought so much destruction to the environment. When the breakout ends, people should stop destroying our environment and start to preserve it.

May.10. 2020

By Sebin Hwang


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