Samsung and LG‘s Factory Will be Operated on This Month, But the Demand Would Fall.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-19 14:36:34

Overseas TV and home appliance plants of Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, which had been suspended due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), have begun to restart. According to industries on the third, global TV and home appliance plants of Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, excluding India, are expected to be fully restarted from the 4th. The Indian government's blockade, which was until this day, has been extended for another two weeks, making the operation of the site uncertain.

▲ Samsung Electronics Brazil Factory / Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

The problem is all overseas factories are meaningless unless there is no demand. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics said at a conference call on the 29th of last month that their second-quarter earnings are expected to deteriorate. They are in a situation where they have to adjust our sales plan for the second quarter, Samsung Electronics said. They are adjusting the timing of full-scale sales of new models according to the situation in each country and reviewing promotion plans and marketing investments. LG Electronics said they will be able to resume operations in overseas factories in the near future, but as predicted, the decline in overseas sales of household appliances in the second quarter is inevitable.

▲ Samsung Electronics` U.S. washing machine plant

An official from the home appliance industry said that not only in South Korea but also in the U.S. and European home appliance makers are similarly hit in the first half of the year. Although it will be difficult for demand to be fully normalized in the second half of the year, they are pinning our hopes on revenge consumption in which pent-up consumption will revive.

▲ Local employees are producing TVs at LG Electronics` Manaus plant in Brazil. LG Electronics

March 3rd, 2020
By Bak Jeong-heon


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