The new Way to get Rid of stress : ASMR대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 21:03:21

  In the movie "interstellar(2014)", the main character calmed himself with putting on the earphones when he was in great anxiety. Like this, listening to music or white noise helps people to relax. Nowadays, 20s and 30s are suffering from insomnia because of stress such as employment, marriage and work. Tremendous popularity of ASMR which is well-known for good sleeping relates to their sleep disorder. According to the National Health Insurance Corporation, the sleep disorder patients increased almost 60% during the past five years. Some experts also said that as young generation's future is getting unclear, they have more trouble in sleeping.


  The new way to get rid of stress is ASMR. ASMR is Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. The popular misconception is that ASMR and white noise are same. ASMR such as a mousy voice is one of the white noise which gives head orgasm. Stimulation that makes us feel orgasm is called "Trigger". It has difference among individuals because each person feels orgasm in different way. There are 775 million contents in Youtube. We can hear sounds and watch videos related to ASMR. For example, sound of rustling or tapping with nails. Sometimes, they talk same word repeatedly with mousy voice and eat something. The most interesting contents is role playing. They act like hair-stylist and viewers can feel as if they are customers in beauty parlor.


  The people who make ASMR expertly are called ASAMER. The famous asmers in Korea are "ASMR rapper", "DANA ASMR" and "Miniyu ASMR". Nowadays, even advertisements use ASMR. Just like snack and ramen advertisements, it is usually used to accentuate texture of crispy food.


  However, there are bad sides of ASMR. People can fall asleep only when rely on ASMR. In other words, they can't sleep without ASMR. Also, if we felt calm or receive help of good sleeping by ASMR, we could be addicted to it. Furthermore, our response velocity of sound would reduce. For instance, we can't hear the sound of running cars well. In addition, in ordr to raise ad profits some advertisements show heady role playing contents. Moreover, we can't distinguish between reality and role playing.


  ASMR has good sides that it makes our mind and tension of body relax by sound. But, studying of ASMR is on-going and the safety is untested. We must be careful since it can give direct effects to the body.


by Lee Song Yi


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