The Most Common Cancers in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-06-16 17:11:21

Do you know how scary cancer is? If a cancerous tumor that has been incised in the human body is placed in the laboratory and provided with nutrients, oxygen, and moisture, it will multiply indefinitely. When cancer cells get together and have cancerous tumors, they have a very strong vitality and fertility. That is why cancer is scary. All over the world, lung cancer is on the top rank, breast cancer is the second, and thyroid cancer is the third.

The cause of increased colon cancer can first be found in lifestyle changes. Eating habit is an environmental factor that has the greatest impact on colon cancer. Eating high-calorie foods, including animal fat, raises the risk of colon cancer. Also, the reason for stomach cancer is a bad eating habit. Eating spicy, salty, carbonated foods and hot foods often stimulate the stomach, which increases the rate of stomach cancer. Finally, thyroid cancer is caused by obesity. If you are overweight or obese, your risk of thyroid cancer increases. In addition, iodine deficiency is one of the factors that cause thyroid cancer.

▲ Thyroid Cancer

There is a prevention method for this cancer. The risk of colon cancer does not increase dramatically due to the low amount of physical activity. It can be reduced by about so to 40 percent if the amount of physical activity is high. For stomach cancer, environmental factors are very important, so it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat lightly and eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Eating fresh food is also important.

▲ Fresh Foods

Seaweed contains a lot of iodine. Therefore, it is better to eat foods such as seaweed and kelp steadily. Not everyone gets cancer, but there is a possibility to get it. It is much easier and less painful to do than having surgery.


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