A Doctor‘s Duties and Responsibilities대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-12 13:27:41

Moran Lavie is the first doctor to vitalize baby Daria by giving Spinraza. She did her best by doing her duties being a doctor. All doctors must have responsibility and morality as they are so important in saving the lives of their patients.

In fact, becoming a doctor is so hard as one must study so much and be good in almost all subjects.

▲ Doctors have to communicate and cooperate well with their patients to write their prescriptions accurately.

After, becoming a doctor, the difficulties and projects will never end for doctors. Moreover, doctors have to communicate and cooperate well with their patients to write their prescriptions accurately. Moran Lavie, the first doctor to give a new life to a baby in Israel. She said that the importance of cooperation between parents and doctors for caring children with SMA is a must. Daria is the first patient treated with Spinraza by the advances in therapy. Furthermore, interaction is an important factor for doctors.

▲ Doctors must do their duties and have moral obligation to protect many people from many diseases.

Doctors must do their duties and have a moral obligation to protect many people from many diseases. According to SMA News Today, the mother of Daria said that what guided them through this struggle was the decision that Daria has a right to live, to be happy and not to suffer. She also added that they chose her happiness as their guidance. Their effort and hope made Daria smile. Moran Lavie did not give up and did her best for Daria's life. Finally, she was able to help Daria, and she can say she did her duties being a doctor.

In conclusion, doctors should always do their responsibility to save the lives of their patients. According to SMA News Today, Daria’s parents and medical caregivers said that the driving force that made all the differences. Not only doctors but also all of us should try to do our best to make a miracle.

▲ Doctor is so imporant and meaningful job.

May 9th, 2020

by Cho Seo-yeon


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