19th presidental election review대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 20:47:52

On 9th of May, 2017, Korea had 19th presidental election. It was a new election after Ms.Park's impeachment. Fifteen people registered as candidates but only notable people were Moon Jae In, Hong Jun Puo, Ann Chul Su, Yu Seung Min a

nd Sim Sang Jung. Those five people had the most votes and had the most attention but in the end, Moon Jae in became the president.

On the election day, 32,807,908 votes were received in total, the highest number so far. Moon Jae In became the 19th president, getting 41.1% of the votes. This was a close vote because Hong Jun Puo and Ann Chul Su got 24% and 21.4%. Something to know about this is that Moon Jae In was one of the candidates in 18th election so people knew more about him and had higher expectations from him. So a lot of people expected Moon Jae in to be the president and the result matched their expectation.

Moon Jae In's purpose is unification. He wants North and South Korea to unify. So his plan is to give money to North Korea and support the country because at the moment North Korea is quite poor. But some people are not happy with this plan because they are afraid that North Korea will use that money to do something else and that was why Hong Jun Puo got a lot of votes as well. Hong Jun Puo was going to stop that situation according to his plan by not givng money to North Korea. People who were on Hong Jun Puo's side say that Moon Jae In should use the money for our country and not North Korea.

When people found out that Mr.Moon became the president, there were many celebrations from different countries. the highlight was that presidents from India, Pakistan and Japan gave president Moon phone calls to congratulate his victory. Hong Jun Puo and Ann Chul Su 'fans' were disappointed since they didn't get their reward for their hard work. 


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