The History of Sports Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-11 18:33:13
Since Covid-19 is raging, school postponed opening school. So, sports day is also postponed in school.

Were you good at playing sports when you were in school? If you were good at playing sports, I believe that you were picked as a representative player. My school also has a sports day. Some students do not want to have a sports day, but others want to have a sports day. I cannot say who is wrong and who is right, and there is no wrong and right. However, it is a fact that it is a very precious heritage of our ancestors.

People who are against having a sports day say that when they have a sports day, the weather is very ridiculous. On a hot day, it is too hot, so they sweat a lot. Moreover, when all sweat evaporates, it is too cold. Then, in winter and fall, the weather is too cold, and there is a danger of getting injured as the muscles are inactivated. However, people who like having a sports day do not think like that. They think that this is a good chance. Park Seo Hyun who is in the school said that sports day is a good chance to become closer to his friends because it can unite them. Also, it can become one of the best memories of school life. As mentioned earlier, there is no right and wrong.

▲ modern sports day

The headteacher of the school, Che Jea Chul, said that is should not be just a playing day. He said that it should be a day to unite students and having more friends. Moreover, we should know the mind of our ancestors. As he said, the mind of our ancestors is present on sports day. In South Korea, sports day started in May 1896. Moreover, there were many events such as 200 meters, 400 meters, and 800 meters racing, board jump, a high leap, and Korean wrestling. Sports day was an amusement day but aimed at fostering cooperation and unity through group games rather than personal enjoyment. During that day. the sports day played a role in strengthening the people's anger over the Japanese invasion and the will to save education. so, Japan stopped it in 1912. After the liberation, schools did it again to strengthen community spirit, and unity and this was developed into a sports competition.

▲ Sports event 100 years ago

Sports day can be a terrible day for someone, but it can be a happy memory in school. Maybe you think "It is just an event about having fun" but this could be evidence that Koreans fought against Japan.


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