About Guardians of the Galaxy.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 20:43:33

In 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 was released. 3 years later, on May 3rd 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 released. They came back with new characters and new stories. Many actress and actor act in this movie. Such as Chris pratt (Star-Load), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax the Destrover), Vin Diesel (Baby Groot), Bradley Cooper (Rocket Racoon)...and so on. Also, it is movie of James Gunn who is director of Guardians of the Galaxy 1.

  Brief story of the movie is that Guardians of the Galaxy members who save galaxy become best solver. But when they did mission that receive a request, they were pursued to bad guy. On the other hand, Guardians of the Galaxy's leader, Star-Load who agonize about his source of strength was in danger because of his father who made an abrupt appearance.


  In Guardians of the Galaxy 1, it is about many alien and people who wander galaxy that were organized by Guardians of the Galaxy members. And they save galaxy. But in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, it is about story of after that period and there are many touching things about father's instinctive love. Also, more characters appear in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 than Guardians of the Galaxy 1. Also, James Gunn director who take care of scenario and direction upgraded visual and creative story.


  People have many expectation about Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Netizen's evaluations are divided. Some of them think Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is very terrible than Guardians of the Galaxy 1, and they really disappointed about the story of Guardians of the Galaxy 2. But, others they think it is talented movie of Marvel.


If you want to meet avengers of galaxy? Just now, go to cinema and watch

Guardians of the Galaxy!

May 3rd 2017 BY 이세은 기자


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