Is Kim Jong-un alright?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
Is Kim Jong-un alright? - There are numerous rumors about Kim's health since CNN's breaking news. - South Korea and the US denied the rumors. - Still, suspicious circumstances and Kim's usual health state weigh the doubts.
  • 기사등록 2020-04-28 15:58:39
    Since the breaking news of CNN regarding Kim Jong-un's health problem on April 21st, the condition of Kim has been under controversy. With numerous media raising suspicions over Kim's health, it is still unclear whether he is either healthy or alive.

Around 10 A.M. on April 21st in Korean standard time, CNN broke the news North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un is in grave danger after surgery, according to the US source. About 10 hours after the breaking news, CNN added that the United States is monitoring intelligence. Since then, numerous media around the world have made various claims over Kim's condition, yet none of them are confirmed. There are different claims, from Kim's death to escape from Pyeongyang to avoid coronavirus. 

Such suspicions are mainly from the dubious circumstances in North Korea recently. Kim Jong-un has not appeared for more than two weeks. He even missed 'Day of the Sun' event on April 15th, which is the birthday of Kim Il-Seong, the first leader of North Korea, and one of the biggest holidays in North Korea. As Kim had not missed the 'Day of the Sun' event throughout his regime, his absence made much controversy. Also, according to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee of the Korean Parliament, Yoon Sang-Hyeon, Pyeongyang, the capital of North Korea, was suddenly shut down.

▲ Kim had attended every `Day of the Sun` event.

Regarding the circumstances, the government of South Korea argued that there are no particular movements to support health rumors. It also mentioned that Kim is staying in Wonsan with his close associates. Similarly, Trump answered that the CNN report seems uncertain and is made by old documents, to the question made in COVID-19 Task Force Briefing. He added that he is hoping Kim is well and does not have any medical problems.

▲ Trump answered the CNN report is uncertain.

▲ Kim`s heavy bad health condition weighs the rumors.

Despite the denial over health rumors from South Korea and the US, Kim's usual state of health and his family history weigh the suspicions. It is believed that Kim is suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, and Kim's father and grandfather both died from a heart attack. Also, Kim is a heavy smoker and has put on weight rapidly since he assumed power in 2011.

April 25th, 2020

by Shin Seung Won


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