Which Side Should I Vote For?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-04-24 14:35:56

April 15 this year is the day to elect the 21st National Assembly member in South Korea. The election is significant for it is the first election since the eligible age was lowered to 18 years old, and it is a serious situation where Corona 19 has spread. In particular, the election features more political parties than before. In South Korea, however, there is a problem that teenagers do not have enough information on the current political situation, so they can give up voting because they do not know anything, or they can mistakenly vote because they do not have enough information about each party before voting. 

▲ The beginning of a test

There is an online test to solve these problems. It is called "Promise Juice," a platform created by an organization called Pactum that finds the party that best suits you and provides information on various political parties and policies. First, if you set your own interests and choose the policies that you want to be implemented among those related to each concern, you will be informed of the political parties that put forward the policies. In this test, you can know about not only the parties that fit you but also your political orientation and main interests. Moreover, you can know the possibility that your chosen pledges will be put into practice and also get other information on other pledges.

▲ A example of test result

Kie, who is in charge of content planning and administration, said in the production group Pactrum of the test that he participated in the production project because he was interested in politics and that he produced it with the aim of easily conveying his pledges to Millennials to help them make better decisions. It is easy and simple to test, and the neat and attractive design is said to be very impressive. Most of all, those who do not have the right to vote can participate, which is characterized by the fact that it can provide directions on how they will participate in politics in the future.

Politics is very important in our lives, but there are many people who find it difficult and neglect voting. In the future, we hope people will be more interested in politics with the help of people like those who made in "Promise Juice" and take a more active attitude.

▲ A phrase in the ˝Promise Juice˝ test that encourages voting.

April 14th, 2020

by Lee Yeonseo


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