Importance of Taking Action대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-04-17 17:22:54

Coronavirus or known as COVID-19 started in December in China and has spread to many countries such as in the U.S., Spain, Italy, and Japan. So, many countries are afraid of the spreading of this coronavirus because of the increasing number of confirmed cases. On the first day of April, the U.S.'number of confirmed cases was about 200,00, and three days later, this number increased to 400,00. After that, the U.S. has the greatest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Comparing South Korea and other countries, South Korea's fatality is only 1.79 percent. However, other countries' fatality is 5.38 percent. For this reason, many countries concentrate on South Korea's countermeasures against COVID-19.

▲ the graph of U.S,`s incfection

COVID-19 in South Korea started to highly increase because of the Christian group, Shincheonji. The government believed that the reason for the fast increased number of infected people is there with people who are confirmed to have the virus and because of activity with them. So, they started to announce about the prevention against the coronavirus, increased checkpoints provided mask cost 1000 won to 1500 won in many pharmacies and progressed social distancing. After these countermeasures, people started to wear masks, check their temperature by using a thermometer and stop going outside. Through these efforts, South Korea's number of confirmed cases starts to decrease, and the rate of recovery has increased more than the rate of definite diagnosis.

▲ the picture of people waiting for masks provided from government

Unlike South Korea, the U.S. has increased in the rate of definite diagnosis and fatality. While South Koreans wore masks to prevent getting infected with the virus. Americans did not wear masks because they believe only the dentists, doctors, nurses and patients should wear a mask. In New York, most facilities are closed, however, there are still confirmed cases because people do not wear masks on the street and enjoy having their vacation. Also, the cost of their checkup is so expensive. It is about 5,000 dollars, so people could not check their state, and because they do not have many factories that make a mask, a mask is cost about 15 dollars, whereas South Korean mask only cost 1 dollar. For these reasons and unawareness about the coronavirus, the U.S.' number of confirmed cases has steadily increased than in South Korea.

▲ the graph of comparing the number of U.S.`s checkup and other countries

The coronavirus of COVID-19 could spread so easily and fast, so good countermeasures and prevention are very important to be followed by many people around the world.

April. 12. 2020

By Sebin Hwang


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