New Semester Starting from September대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-04-17 17:19:01

▲ South Korea discussing about September new semester system

The introduction of the September new semester system is an issue. This claim has been brought up several times before, but there was a problem that grades will be separated by half years, and the number of classes will jump up two times bigger. Ironically, by COVID-19, every public education stopped, and the chance to change the semester system is given. All students can start the new semester from September simultaneously, and problems such as the increase of classes will not occur.

▲ people requesting September new semester system

There are some advantages to the September new semester system. South Korea's March new semester system is a rare case in OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. The majority of these countries follow the September new semester system, so problems appear in international education. When students study abroad, they should stay with no public education for six months due to the term arrangement difference. If South Korea changes the system, international students will not suffer from this trouble. In addition, if the September new semester system starts, summer vacation can be longer that students can have more chances to experience a variety of things or prepare for the next semester.

However, there are some who disagree with the September new term arrangement. They mention that there is a great economical loss when a system is reversed. According to research from the Korea Educational Development Society, about ten trillion won will be used to change the semester system. More importantly, students and parents will be confused a lot. On account of the change of term arrangement, test schedules such as the national college entrance examination will be modified. Even a tiny transition can be stressful to test-takers, and the alternation of the semester system will be a great interruption.

▲ conflict between spring semester system and fall semester system

By the appearance of COVID-19, not only the educational society but also the majority of society is suffering. However, some utilize this catastrophe for a chance. Despite it is a hard time, we all should think creatively to adversely take advantage of this unprecedented situation.

April 11th, 2020, by Yang Ye Won


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