기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 20:18:15

The Korean press has been filled with reports regarding the pros and cons of THAAD versus a strong trade deal with China. The THAAD defense system is an amazing system that can shoot incoming missiles out of the sky before they reach their target on the ground. This system can save our country. We will now explain the various reasons why THAAD should be implemented.


  THAAD defense system is a good idea because it provides protection from North Korean nuclear missile attacks. North Korea continues to defy UN sanctions by testing more and more powerful missiles or developing any nuclear weapons. According to UN sanctions, North Korea should not be testing any missiles or developing any nuclear weapons. Also, North Korea engages in various other terrorist activities. The profits from these terrorist activities fund North Korea’s nuclear program. Therefore one day North Korea will successfully develop nuclear weapons. The last nuclear test was on September 2016. North Korea is now ready to conduct its 6th underground nuclear test at any time.


  After these tests, North Korea regularly threatens South Korea and the United States of America with a nuclear attack. Therefore, we need THAAD to protect against a possible nuclear missile strike by North Korea and save millions of lives.


  After installation of THAAD, North Korea’s chances of successfully launching a nuclear attack on South Korea, or the rest of Asia, will be greatly reduced. This is a very big bargaining chip for negotiations. For example, if we talk to North Korea in the future we can offer to reduce or remove THAAD in exchange for North Korea stopping their nuclear program. In the past we have relied on very generous food and economic aid, but this is no longer necessary.


  China doesn’t like THAAD. But China understands that North Korea is unstable and does not cooperate with international politics. Because China hates THAAD they will also put pressure on North Korea to stop their nuclear program. This is important because China is North Korea’s greatest political and economic ally.


  If we choose to ignore the military risk from our Northern neighbors, simply because of temporary economic difficulties with China, this would be very foolish. This is because our lives, your lives and the futures of everyone in our entire country are PRICELESS.


  Presume we cancel THAAD and increase our exports to China. We might have a 0.1% increase in GDP, however, North Korea could launch a surprise attack without a moment’s notice and we would not be able to defend ourselves from it. Ultimately what would we have gained in the long term if we were all dead or under communisn? It is foolish to throw away our opportunity for a safe and prosperous future and global peace for a more prosperous trade deal.


  In conclusion, we believe that THAAD should be Korea’s number one priority in regards to international relations and defense policy. Protecting the people and the future of Korea should come before a marginally beneficial economic policy with China.


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