A New Guideline about the Travel Route of Infected People Was Released대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-30 12:49:11

COVID-19 is spreading all around the world. South Korea is not an exception, so South Korea is alert since many Korean people are infected by the virus. So, lots of people are worried about this situation, requiring much information about the route where infected people went. Fortunately, the government is providing that information. However, there were some problems since there was no specific guideline fo it. 

▲ COVID-19

On March 17, the government released a new guideline about the travel route of people who are confirmed to ve infected by the virus. In the guideline, it is stated not to disclose information about the address and the workplace of the confirmed cases of the public so that people cannot specify the infected people. However, it is possible to disclose information about the workplace because of the probability of spreading the virus to unspecified individuals. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which is in charge of the things related to the virus get that information based on the infected people's memory, usage history of their credit card and CCTV. According to the law, the government can open not only the travel route of infected people but also their transportation and the medical institution that these people have visited.

Before the new guideline was released, there were many arguments. The travel route of the people who are infected by the virus was opened in detail, so there were many people who were worried about invasion of privacy.

Some netizens even posted malicious comments after the information about the travel route of those infected people was released. Last month, on February 22, the mayor of Gumi posted information about one infected person. Because of this, that person stated on her SNS that she is suffering from malicious comments from many people. This kind of situation is the reason why the government released a new guideline.

The reason why the government is opening information about the travel spread of the virus. Considering this fact, people have to work on preventing the diffusion of COVID-19.


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