What Is a Virus?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-20 16:54:43

People's fears of coronavirus are growing day by day. Coronavirus is a virus that infects both humans and animals, which can cause respiratory problems such as severe pneumonia and many deaths. So, what is exactly a virus, and what are the ways to reduce the damage caused by a virus-like coronavirus?

▲ The organization of coronavirus

Viruses are infectious particles that depend on their hosts and are surrounded by proteins. They are generally known to have both the characteristics of living and nonliving organisms. Because it is impossible to multiply alone, it uses the host's cloning system inside the host's cells to clone and multiply its own genes. In the process, the host becomes infected and suffers from various diseases. Some of the most common diseases caused by human infection include flu and AIDS.

▲ The process that corona virus multiply itself

Viruses cause various diseases and are contagious, so humans need to be careful. It is also impossible to completely eliminate viruses because they keep changing, so continuous prevention is necessary. The influenza virus, for example, causes the flu, a highly contagious acute respiratory disease that is characterized by the genetic variation of the influenza virus, causing it to go viral every year. We usually prescribe a vaccine to avoid the flu, which is a preventive measure that allows the body to learn how to fight against the virus by putting a weak virus in the body. There is also news that the vaccines against coronavirus are being developed, and that it is developing a preventive method to create thin membranes to prevent the virus from infiltrating.

▲ How to prevent the infection of coronavirus

Coronavirus, which is now vogue, is causing people to wear masks and to avoid crowded places. There are also people who are trying to identify the confirmed cases through quick tests, and others who are working hard to treat patients with coronavirus. With people's efforts, they will be able to overcome the current situation one day.

March 10th, 2020

By Lee Yeonseo


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