Independence Movement Day‘s Special Film About the History of South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 16:10:16

▲ Taegeukgi (Korean flag)

Independence Movement Day is a national holiday in South Korea. It is because March 1, 1919, the Korean people protested against Japanese colonial rule and announced the Declaration of Independence. It was a clear bright day for Korean people. In celebration of the March First Movement on March 1, 2020, the government announced that it would correct the errors of the Korean national flag around the world.

▲ a movie poster about Malmoy

In celebration of the day, the movie "Malmoy" was aired on March 1. It contains the process of the birth to the Korean dictionary in South Korea, and the casts are played by Yoo-Hae-jin and Yoon Kye-sang, who are well-represented and expressive. The film tells the story of the Korean Language Society Affair. Since October 1942. Japan has arrested members of the Association with Korean Languages and related figures and put them on trial, and you can see the national spirit of Koreans.

▲ a movie poster about Herstory

Another movie that was aired on the same day is "Herstory". The film is based on 1992 to 1988, which is about the tree of Japanese military sexual slavery. Also, they are a total of ten members - seven Japanese military sexual slavery victims of grandmothers in an official apology and against the Japanese government to take responsibility. One of the best lines of the movie is, "Return me back to who I was when I was 17 years old right now.", which is a line that expressed the pain of the characters.

Also, "Resistance : Story of Yoo Gwan-soon" was aired in MBC on the morning of March 1. It is a story of a year of Yoo Gwan-soon and Room 8 women who were freer than anyone else.

We need to cherish the national holiday and an attitude to correct the distorted history.

March 1, 2020

by 제서연


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