A Mother Behind the Korean Independence Movement대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 15:51:45

Do you know the five national holidays in South Korea? They are the Korean Independence Movement Day, Constitution Day, National Liberation Day, National Foundation Day, and Hangul Proclamation Day. Independence Movement Day is celebrated on March 1st.

▲ These are South Korea`s five national holidays.

On March 1, 1919, the whole nation protested against Japanese colonization and declared the independence of the people around the world, and the whole nation rose to a peaceful demonstration. The Korean Independence Movement Day is the day to pay one's respects to the souls of all the fallen heroes who died protecting their homeland.

▲ On March1, 1919, they protested against Japanese colonization.

Maria Cho is well-known for being An Jung-geun's mother and her words when her son was on the verge of execution. She said that it was a punishment that she received for doing the right thing, and it is a filial duty to a mother not to beg for life but to die for the cause. Since the messages became known, Maria Cho has been constantly praised and noticed by her neighbors for being the "Mother of An Jung-guen" while at the same time burdened by the need to properly promote the maintenance of her son as a great independence activist.

▲ Maria Cho did many things for independence.

Maria Cho did many things for independence. In order to finance the operation of Samheung School and Donee School, An Jung-geun ran a rice dealer and operated a coal-selling company. Moreover, a certain portion took advantage of the inheritance being inherited from his grandfather, An In-soo, which could have been possible because of the permission of Maria Cho. An's brothers' movement for national education was also possible with the support of Maria Cho. She took an active part in the National Debt Redemption Movement, too. She was not just a mother of An Jung-geun but also a fighter for independence.

March 1st, 2020

by Pyo Seung Hui


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