Game Industry Makes a Big Donation in the COVID-19 crisis.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 15:50:05

NCSoft said on Friday that it has donated two billion won to the Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association to prevent COVID-19 and overcome the damage. The donations are used for recovery and medical activities in areas that are in trouble due to the spread of COVID-19. The company donated money in hopes that it will help those who are affected by COVID-19 and those who are committed to it, according to Kim Taek-jin, CEO of NCSoft.

▲ The logo of NCSoft

Also, Nexon has donated two billion won to the Korean National Red Cross to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Nexon Korea and its subsidiary, Neople, provided one billion won each. On the same day, NC and Nexon also unveiled support measures for PC room owners who are suffering from the spread of COVID-19. NC plans to reimburse PC business owners for 50 percent of their March service charges. Nexon will exempt all regional franchises in the Gyeongsang region from the cost of managing unmanned prepaid aircraft for two months. In addition, the store has not been charged for managing unmanned aerial vehicles since Monday.

▲ The logo of Nexon

In addition, Netmarble said on Friday that it has donated two billion won to the National Disaster Relief Association to overcome the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Netmarble and Coway, which were recently incorporated into their affiliates, donated one billion won each to Hope Bridge of the National Disaster Relief Association. They hope that medical staff across the country are not suffering greatly from a lack of protective and preventive supplies, which will comfort them and help them overcome the crisis, according to Netmarble.

▲ The logo of Netmarble

March 8. 2020

By Bak Jeong-heon


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