Green Vaccine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 15:47:08

Nowadays, people around the world are afraid of the novel coronavirus. This virus spreads so fast and easily. Its incubation period is up to two weeks, so patients can not easily notice their symptoms. Because of that, people cannot go out without wearing a mask. To stop coronavirus from spreading, it is important to develop a vaccine however, most vaccines have some side effects. To upgrade the development of a vaccine, some researchers found ways of developing a vaccine from plants, and they started to have an interest in developing one. This kind of vaccine is called " Green Vaccine".

▲ the picture of vaccine to protect from virus

Most researchers usually develop a vaccine from animals. However, this vaccine has some side effects, and sometimes, it helps spread the virus. To use a better vaccine, people researched about it, and they find a way to develop a vaccine by using plants. This vaccine is called "Green Vaccine " Plants which are inserted antigen gene produce recombinant protein vaccine. This vaccine is developed by isolating antigenic protein, so it does not have side effects and the threat of spreading the virus. Also, it used plant machines in factories to produce the vaccines, so it can be produced in a short period of time.

▲ the picture of ˝Green Vaccine˝

Because of its advantages, many researchers around the world started to research about "Green Vaccine" and developed new vaccines. For example, in the German research center, they found a way to sterilize salmonella by using tobacco leaves' protein. Second, in Japanese agricultural pesticide's factory, they used strawberry to develop dogs and cats' periodontitis' medicine. Next, in the South Korean agricultural researching center, they developed a green vaccine of swine fever by using tobacco leaves. Also, South Korean researchers started to develop vaccine of coronavirus from plants.

▲ the picture of South Korean Green Vaccine`s researchers

There are many ways of developing a vaccine however, " Green Vaccine" does not have side effects and can be developed faster than others. If this vaccine develops more, people's anxiety about the virus will be diminished.

March. 1. 2020

By Sebin Hwang


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