Students‘ Favorite Events대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-02 12:45:34

Are you interested in school events? Then, have you tried participating in a show or festival? One of the schools in South Korea, Sinjung Middle School, holds a big festival for students. Sinjung Middle School's Festival is the biggest event in the school. They have many kinds of games and activities for students. Moreover, the festival has special events every year.

First, there are many contents and fruitful activities at the festival. Some of these are first grade's performance, big performance, a talent show, and booths. In 2018, all students were mandated to join the dance competition. So, many students did not join the festival. That is why the school changed the rules for the students. Now, not all students must join every contest. So, many students join the festival. The big performance is participated by students, and they practice together very hard for the show. Last 2018, the broadcasting club almost could not join because they were so busy. But, now, not all broadcasting members come so they prepare for their performance. So, all the students can enjoy the festival. Also, the hosts of the festival did not have time to practice reading their speech before, but these days, they can practice several times a week in school under their teachers' guidance. Lastly, before, booths were hard to prepare and organize for they cost a huge amount of money for the preparations and decorations. Nowadays, the school gives money to each classroom and gives students enough time to prepare. Moreover, there are many clubs who participate in the festival. Also, the school arranges some places where students can enjoy other activities.

▲ Dance Performance of School Festival

Many students are satisfied with the Sinjung Middle School Festival. First-Grade students said they had a great dance performance with their friends. So, this festival was a good chance for them. Also, he said that he likes the new rules as there allow them to decide on their own during the festival. Then, according to a second-grade teacher, she was so proud of her students for they practiced a lot for the festival. Almost all students and teachers had a great time at the festival.

▲ School Fesvial

Sinjung Middle School gives a chance to students to stand up on stage. Also, they help to build a good relationship among students and teachers. If you know festivals or events in your neighborhood, try to participate and enjoy so that you can create good memories.


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