Viruses We have Suffered since the Past대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-14 14:22:26

Lately, coronavirus is spreading globally, and it is threatening humanity's life. We have suffered from epidemics since the past. Epidemics that we cannot see approaching silently to us and claim some lives. Aztec and the Inca Empire had disappeared in the past because of an epidemic's attack. Then, what viruses claimed humanity's lives in the past?

▲ We have suffered from epidemics since the past.

About seven hundred years ago, the Black Death was a deadly plague that swept through entire Europe. After the war between Mongol and Kafu, Italian went back to Sicily, and the Black Death swept in entire Europe. It caused one-third of the European people to die. In the Middle East, two thousand people died every day, and in Egypt, about twenty-four thousand people died.

▲ Black Death was a deadly plague that swept entire Europe.

The most terrible epidemic of the nineteen-hundreds is Spanish flu. The Spanish flu was very deadly. At the American Army base located in France, the first patient appeared. In August of the same year, the first fatality appeared, and it also swept through entire Europe. When the American soldiers went back, Spanish flu proliferated in a transcontinental railroad. Until June of 1920, about one hundred million people died caused by the Spanish flu. In South Korea, Spanish flu also broke out. About half of the population were infected, and one hundred forty thousand people died.

▲ The most terrible epidemic is a Spanish flu.

Even today, many viruses hector us. Viruses mutate to live in a new host, and it causes a fatal blow. Because of the appearance of the variant viruses, existing vaccines neutered. So, we have to face this difficult war against viruses in our life.

Feb. 2nd, 2020

by Pyo Seung Hui


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